2007 Mr. O Jay Cutler

IFBB Professional, Jay Cutler, is bodybuilding's most recognized and personable athlete. IFBB 2002, 2003 & 2004 Arnold Classic Champion and IFBB 2001, 2003, 2004, & 2005 Mr. Olympia Runner Up, 2006 and 2007 Mr. Olympia.

Contest History:
2000 Mr. Olympia Rome, 2nd place;
2001 Mr. Olympia, 2nd place;
2002 Arnold Classic, 1st place;
2003 IronMan Pro Invitational, 1st place;
2003 Arnold Classic, 1st place;
2003 San Francisco Pro Invitational, 1st place;
2003 Mr. Olympia 2nd place;
2003 British Grand Prix, 1st place;
2003 Dutch Grand Prix, 1st place;
2003 GNC Show of Strength, 2nd place;
2004 Arnold Classic, 1st place;
2004 Mr. Olympia 2nd place;
2005 Mr. Olympia 2nd place;
2006 Mr. Olympia 1st place;
2007 Mr. Olympia 1st place;


Stats: 31 years old, August 3, 1973
height 5'9"
265 contest weight
310 off season weight
22 ½" arms
31" thighs
20" calves
34" waist
19 ½" neck

For more information on Jay please visit his website www.JayCutler.com
For some videos of Jay in action click here
Jay Video One
Jay video Two
Jay Video Three